Sunday, March 27, 2016


It had. Been screaming so loudly in my head. I didn't want to say it outlloud .  Once again I was operating in fear. AA basics. 101 FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL!
I WAS SO AFRAID WHAT THAT REALLY MENT ( I am speaking of " Time For Me) that I stopped being my authentic self. When, in fact I know better. When on March 1, I spoke my truth, it began. March 20, everything, the entire situation has changed.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Time for me

There comes a time when you have to wake up and be true to yourself. Even though your totally in love with your mate, and they have made huge sacrifices to make you happy. You have to live your life for yourself. That's not to say you no longer care about your husband or your husband's wants. You have to be happy with your choices.
   I can't live in a relationship that doesn't allow both individuals to stand alone. I am so not codependent, my husband is so codependent that I'm not sure I can make it work. Help