Saturday, March 19, 2016

Time for me

There comes a time when you have to wake up and be true to yourself. Even though your totally in love with your mate, and they have made huge sacrifices to make you happy. You have to live your life for yourself. That's not to say you no longer care about your husband or your husband's wants. You have to be happy with your choices.
   I can't live in a relationship that doesn't allow both individuals to stand alone. I am so not codependent, my husband is so codependent that I'm not sure I can make it work. Help


  1. Turns out he was a narcissist! The second one in a row! Wow!!! I knew about positive thinking, I knew a little bit about deliberate creation. I knew in theory about Vibration. I didn't understand the law of attraction. It may even be safe to say that a great deal of what I thought I knew and understood, I did not understand.
    I really didn't have a clue about vibration and frequency, or that acting "as if" didn't change my vibration.
    What I was beginning to truly believe was that Everything is always working out for me.

  2. Also... I was in fact 1 sick pup. Not at all in the way I had thought.
